About the Journal

Uluslararası Hakemli İşletme Dergisi (International Refereed Business Journal)  is a biannual, open access international business journal that aims to improve the quality of academic publishing and create a global impact. The journal provides a platform for researchers and academics from around the world to publish on business and management topics. Prioritizing academic rigor and integrity, every article submitted to the journal is subjected to double-blind peer review, and only articles that are approved by the referees are published.

The journal focuses on original and pioneering research related to issues in the field of business and management.
The main topics are as follows:
Business Accounting and Finance
Business Economics
Business Ethics
Consumer Behavior
Corporate Sustainability
Digital Marketing
Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior
Marketing Management and Strategy
People Management
Organizational Behavior
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Psychometric Studies
Literature Review and Meta-Analysis